Welcome to the X-Net Online Election System

Welcome to the X-Net Online Election System. This system has been setup to allow you to vote for your choice of Sabbaticals for the 2002/2003 term guild. If there is anything else the user should know about the voting process that they may not know as of yet, then it should probably go here.

This system will take you through a simple step-by-step system which will allow you to read a small biography of the possible candidates before casting your final vote. You may only vote once, and after your vote has been submitted you will not be able to change your choices.

Please login using your main university username and password

Username :
Password :

These pages are secure pages stored on an SSL-Enabled X-Net server running the latest version of Debian Linux with the updated OpenSSL package. For a full description of the security verifcations of this system, please see our Online Voting System Security Gaurantee.